Monday, January 23, 2012

Shantai Wellness Spa Offers Ultrasound Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening Services

January 24, 2012 - Blackwood, SA, Australia - a Balinese inspired Day Spa - Shantai Wellness Spa - offers ultrasound fat reduction and skin tightening services.

‘Relax and unwind as we take you on a sensory journey to restore the balance in your body using only our natural, organic products,’ said Shantai Wellness Spa.

Ultrasound Fat Reduction $150/treatment

Ultrasound is the latest revolution in fat reduction technology that does not involve medical intervention or surgery. The cost of the procedure is very inexpensive compared to the thousands of dollars one can spend on liposuction.

By using the latest cavitation technology which allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits that are so difficult to get rid of even with extraneous exercise and special diet.

The areas of the body that are most successful with ultrasound are the most troublesome areas such as the abdomen, thighs, bottom, inner knees, upper arms and male breasts. Since there is no surgery performed and no recovery time is needed, clients can exercise immediately or go straight back to work after this procedure.

‘We recommend a course of 6 treatments with a minimum break of 3 - 4 days between each procedure. Further subsequent treatments may be needed to attain your desired body shape.’

To maximise results, Shantai Wellness Spa recommends:
  • Drinking 2 litres of filtered water before and after the treatment (no carbonated water)
  • Low GI diet with protein in every meal
  • Exercising for at least half an hour following each treatment (preferably within 6 hours of treatment) to stimulate lymphatic activity and
  • A suitable daily exercise plan
  • Skin Brushing Daily before showering in between treatments with NO hot shower – warm is alright though.
  • No Drinking of Alcohol for 48 hours after treatment
  • Not taking Hot showers (warm is ok), bath or sauna after the ultrasound treatment

Skin Tightening + Rejuvenation
60min $128/treatment

Also known as RF (radio frequency) this system provides a non-surgical face/body lift and is designed for all skin types that need extra toning and tightening. It is suitable for most areas of the face and the body. There are no side effects, the RF will only cause a small amount of heat under the skin which can cause a slight pink tone but this will quickly disappear after the treatment.

Treatment Areas
Stomach, thighs, upper arms, face (forehead, crows feet, under chin) and bottom.

Results will be visible after 3 days of undergoing the treatment. ‘We do however recommend having a course of at least 6 treatments to maximise results and achieve the long term desired result.’

Experience a Balinese inspired Day Spa that offers a caring, relaxing and peaceful escape from everyday pressures in an elegant tranquil Balinese environment only at Shantai Wellness Spa.

Book a treatment today at 08 8278 5737 or do it online at Day Spa Adelaide



  1. Cosmetics treat well to skin and its cures. Spa is one of that which burn fat easily and provide well skin tightening procedure. Sound make it different and effective.
    skin tightening

  2. Most of the women are under going surgeon knife for skin tightening because women got wrinkles after pregnancy. Even i have seen so many men who are also taking interest for skin tightening and also make their self ready from skin tightening.

  3. such a good read back there. If i happen to visit australia, will give a try myself.

    - Orange Bloom Day Spa
