Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lose that Stubborn Fats Today! No Knife, No Needles Just Visible Results

Have you ever got the feeling that no matter how much you exercise and stay on a special diet, yet nothing seems to be working? Do you wake up each morning hoping to have the body you have been dreaming of? Then it is about time you reconsider your options and start thinking of adopting new ways to slim down and lose that stubborn fats for good.

You do not even have to go off the table to get the body you wanted. Heard of ultrasound and cavitation technology as well as radio frequency used in fat reduction and skin tightening? These are none evasive processes that offer very promising results!

Fat Reduction Through Ultrasound and Cavitation Technology

Ultrasound is the latest revolution in fat reduction technology that does not involve surgery. Compared to liposuction which requires you to spend thousand of dollars, ultrasound is very inexpensive. By using cavitation technology, you will be able to burn and remove even the most stubborn fats that are so difficult to get rid of no matter how much you exercise or what diet plans you follow.

So What is Cavitation?

Cavitation is a natural occurring phenomenon that is based on low frequency ultrasound.
The ultrasound field produces energy in the form of heat (minor effect) and pressure wave (major effect) is released unto the skin in a form of vibration. Since fat cells do not have the structural capacity to withstand vibrations, the effect of cavitation easily breaks them, while sparing the vascular, nervous and muscular tissue.

After disrupting the fat cells, the broken fat in the form of triglycerides is released into the interstitial fluid between the cells, where they are metabolised into glycerol and free fatty acids. Water soluble glycerol is absorbed by the circulatory system and used as the energy source, whereas the insoluble free fatty acids are transported to the liver and processed as fatty acids from food.

The areas of the body that are most successful with ultrasound are the most troublesome areas such as the abdomen, the thighs, the bottom, the inner knees, the upper arms and the male breasts. Since it is non-surgical there is no need for recovery time which means you can exercise immediately afterwards or go straight back to work.
Meanwhile, fat reduction is not enough for you to look and feel beautiful. You also need to make sure that your skin is healthy and does not sag! This is where radio frequency comes into the picture.

Skin Tightening and Rejuvenation Using Radio Frequency

Radio frequency is a non-surgical face and body lift designed for all skin types that need extra toning and tightening. It works by bulk heating the connective tissues in the lower layers of the skin which causes the skin to tighten. This procedure works well with the stomach, thighs, upper arms, face (forehead, crows feet, under chin) and bottom.

Try these treatments today. You have nothing to lose, yet so much to gain. Book a treatment now by calling Shantai Wellness Spa at 08 8278 5737 or you can do it online at day spa Adelaide

1 comment:

  1. Facial cosmetics treat well to wrinkles and lines of skin. It make better and effective changes of its. Information is excellence that make effective skin tightening of patient.
    skin tightening
